Logo for poetic. simple lowercase black letters. slightly misaligned to hint at the non-linear way that creativity (and poetic endeavours) often work. An indigo circle sits behind the letter "P". A yellow circle sits behind the letter "O".  A red circle sits on top of the letter "I". And a blue circle sits at the end as a full stop. Or period, for my US English speaking friends.
Handwritten signature: "Kalle"

Text that says "Poetic Overview" with a red icon representing a PDF file. The text is in the style and brand colours of poetic. If you click this image it will download a colourful, designed PDF document that outlines the different service offerings from poetic

If you’d prefer an overview document about me and the services & solutions I can offer, then this nifty document is for you.

Text that says "Podcast Guest Onesheet" with a red icon representing a PDF file. The text is in the style and brand colours of poetic. If you click this image it will download a carefully crafted PDF document that highlights some of Kalle's big successes as a creative communicator, as well as a variety of topics and questions to ask him on a podcast. Kalle is a natural on the mic and is a great podcast guest for anyone

Looking for a great podcast guest? This one-sheet (actually 2 sheets) gives a snapshot of the value I can offer as a guest

Text: www.kalleryan.com. Purple arrow pointing at the text. Handwriting font that says "My personal website about creativity". Accompanied by an image of Kalle Ryan but it has been painted on, so Kalle has a bright pink beard, his glasses are green, his t-shirt is orange. He is framed by a purple painting frame. An arty, creative depiction of Kalle that looks pretty cool. It was originally a mixed media painting he created himself.

You can also find me online here writing about creativity and the creative process (as well as other arty stuff).

Logo for poetic. simple lowercase black letters. slightly misaligned to hint at the non-linear way that creativity (and poetic endeavours) often work. An indigo circle sits behind the letter "P". A yellow circle sits behind the letter "O".  A red circle sits on top of the letter "I". And a blue circle sits at the end as a full stop. Or period, for my US English speaking friends.