

Creativity in the time of AI is an invaluable skill

A drawing of the top half of a red, yellow, green and purple colouring pencil. They have been drawn iin colouring pencil.

I was recently asked about my thoughts on creativity in the age of Artificial Intelligence, and, as you know from my previous posts, it is a topic I am passionate about. An excerpt of my thoughts has just been published over on AI Content managers. I’ve also included a screengrab below.

Screengrab of a thought leadership piece by Kalle Ryan on the AI Content Managers blog. Full text of article here:
Creativity Defines Us
Human creativity is the most essential skill in the modern world. It is what defines us. AI content is always, at best, a re-mix. It can create truly amazing things, but only from that which already exists. For something truly creative and new, it needs an original spark or idea.  When it comes to the future of work, I firmly believe that creativity will be the most important skill of them all. Automation and AI are inevitable in the workplace, which doesn't worry me, because it just makes creative thinkers even more valuable. It's time to get creative.
Kale Ryan, poetic.ie

I think we have nothing to truly fear when it comes to creativity and AI. Creativity is essential for the initial spark (and prompt) so, those of us who are creative thinkers will always be critical in the most important step.

The first step.

Having the idea. Formulating the prompt. Putting the idea into the machine.

AI is just a remix. We are the songwriters.

Creativity comes from within, not from an app

As you know I am fascinated by creativity. In the age of AI, it almost feels quaint—yet, it’s also really vital. Sure, machines are becoming better at simulating creative processes, but I feel like there’s always a kind of hollowness (or sterility) to their efforts. That will improve over time, but what won’t change is that, a robot can compose music, but it doesn’t understand heartbreak; it can generate art, but it’s never known joy or loss. The empathy. The humanity. It isn’t there.

In a world increasingly defined by algorithms, it is starting to feel like creativity is our most human way of making a real impact in the world. It’s not just a skill; it’s a statement: We’re still here.

I’m still optimistic. It’s why I teach creativity to organisations around the world, because I believe it is one of the things that will define employees in the years to come. And there is no better time to prepare.

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